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Showing posts from March, 2017

Everyone has a problem

           It is very hard to share when even you don't know what exactly is going on with you. You believe in solving your own problems by yourselves but then at a point the purpose of solving disappears. You lose the way of thinking. Your brain works 5 times faster but not thinking about solving the problem but thinking about why couldn’t you solve it. This happens with most of the engineering students.             When your college is hitting you with extra lectures, you have taken more than 10 common offs and so the teachers are angry on you. You aren’t getting enough time to read, write, eat and not even getting sleep but still you can’t share it with anyone because if you share with your parents, they even can’t understand what exactly your problem is!! And you can’t even share with your friends because they are too fighting with their own issues why to disturb them!?!! And by experience I can tell you it becomes more hard when you leave your home at 8:00 am and reach in

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