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Showing posts with the label Startup

The 100 Rupee Investment : Start-up

     'My Business', I used to tell everyone. Whenever they asked me about my future my answer remained same all thses years. I have always dreamed about my own empire. Not only because it gives money but also more importantly it gives 'power'. I know it is definitely a thing to laugh. A middle class boy, average in studies, not much backed with money but dream to be an entrepreneur.        People do laugh when they think you can't do things. And I have heard somewhere that, "Things which people think you can't do       are the things you must do"  This damn sentence always inspire me and helps me to neglect those who laugh at my back. People themselves can't do some things and they declare those as impossible. They fail in perticular task and they wish that everyone should fail in it as they did. Those people are not necessarily your enemies, they can be your friends, your best friends! But now if you start thinking wrong about them then p

The 100 Rupee Investment : beginning

It was a sunday morning of December. But atmosphere was not much cold. I was just waking up and my father while having his first tea of the day asked me, "So, what's plan today?". It might look a very simple question to you but think like being an engineering student and you are from middle class background, your semester exams are over just yesterday then it may become a tricky question. My answer was just like what every other engineering student would have told. I said, "No, not yet." Because, we engineers are used to 'unplanned' things. Only thing we plan is our university answer paper and we also get successful in it scoring 40/100. First semester of last year was completed and just before the exam we have finalized our mega project. (which was needed to be half done before first semester) so, my father's question stuck in my mind and I realized that I should do something about my project now.! I called my groupmates and decided to do

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