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Showing posts from May, 2021

And she refused to start!

In morning's sun shine, I was passing through parking,  And she looked at me!  Angrily, just like if possible she would definitely kill me!  It was my fault afterall,  I haven't touched her at all!  Its been two months since she was waiting,  I wished I had made her happy,  But, what to do even situation wouldn't have agreed with me!  She was my Bike (Yes Ofcourse)  What else you all thought?  It was my bike, waiting for my ride,  I couldn't take her out,  And she just wanted to override!  She may have remembered,  Our rides together,  Hills, lakes, beaches and lots of places altogether!  Each scrach on her, told different story,  Shitty roads, pot holes but still her nature was roary!  I went straight to her, throwing all work aside,  Felt the warmth, (it was still there)  Kept all aside!  Washed her neat and clean,  And tried with a ignition,  But, she just refused!  (Remember? She is angry on me)  But I promised her, I will take her out,  Once the lockdown turns off

My Point

I heard when they said behind my back, Which skills, which qualities I lack! I heard them say, he is bit crazy, But honestly, I love being lazy! Its my thinking, that keeps me away from them, My place, honor, keeps me apart from their game of cards and carrom! Won't it be good if they just curse me on my face, Its not favorable when they keep it to themselves! They hate me for the guts I've shown, They bully me for the things I've known! Praise me or not, its their choice, I dont need reason to avoid my own rejoice! I walk on the road, which they always dream of! I talk on things, they can only think of! I always fight for what's right! They just think its my habit to take on fight! Hence, today I made my point, My whole nature and my method of fight! They ignored it as usual, With fake corporate smile, I tried to make a difference, But,  we are apart by 100s miles! 

The Star of Daylight

  In the broad day light, I was searching for a star, Bright shiny, may be yellow Like a fireball in a war! I found it above, looking down at me, Hot and puking heat into me! We stared at each other for a while now, Seems like he ordered me to bow! It's him, who gives all humans life, "You better kneel", kind of he said, isn't it right? People with fake attitude, he is your boss! His personality and style, you can never pass! Hot summer day, or cold winter, he protects you every day without doubt! I then smiled at him, and made an eye contact, Wait! I dared to make an eye contact, I praised him a bit and made a contract! He promised me his blessings, In return of taking care of the planet, With eyes open and heart wide awake, I agreed to  make this promise intact!

Love on the Spot!

  Today with no reason! She walked in life, with a smile and Very precious eyes! She walked like princess from disney, She encouraged senses like a goddess of beauty! I am not sure, if she came for me, But I was sure I will come for her really! Its the time when she smiled at me, I felt ice on my heart, warmth in my eyes, And a soothing smell of her feeling! Expression I had in this case, I couldn't resist looking at her face, She caught me couple times staring at her, She laughed at my confused fear! She got to know, my heart beat rate, She just decided to help and participate! For a moment I felt our heart beats matched! I wished I could just went to her and talked! It felt warm like friday fever, and Monday's ache, I just wanted to say, "She is damn beautiful" for God's sake! Have I ever fell in love, question everytime I got, I wanted to show everyone, I fell in love with this girl exactly at this spot!

The Slave

Are you Ok? At this time of day (night) Still working with eyes wide open! Are your really ok? With the heart that pumps a lot, With a back that pains a lot, Also, with the eyes that irritates a lot, Still managing to work whole night, How do you handle? Are you sure, you are ok!? Day started with a mail, Ending with con-call, Having lunch at 4PM and dinner at 12AM, Isn't it just a down fall? The money you get, Does it worth all the trouble? With family far away, Are you happy in you little bubble? 18hours of work and still underpaid, Whole night with no sleep but still not overpaid! Should you be called a workaholic or just a fool? Tell me atleast you are doing everything good? My heart stops a beat, watching your pity face, You are not just employee but a labor slave!

because, "best" does not exist!

I Saw stars sparkling through the sky, I watched them while broke like a shy! I kept my promise and asked for my wish! Stars just faded away like a drowned fish! I wished for the wealth, I admired for a long,  I wished for the riches, I wanted them so strong!.  I wish I get the world's best everything,  But, I forgot to mention to exclude nothing!  I wished I was the best man alive,  Oh, I was really so naive?  The star granted me nothing but a will,  It asked me to keep my hope on top of my hill!  It gathered its experience of those thousand years,  Told me to keep hope in all worries and fears!  Later that night I understood it well,  It's hope that keeps us alive so well!  Hope for the better not the best, because the best does not exist! 

Letter to Guilt!

 I was wrong. I remember when I was doing that sin, I was reminding myself, not to do it, But I was keen, I kept going! I wish, I haven't done, the wrong. I minded myself, not to do it ever, But, it occurs to me that, I keep doing it forever! I was blinded by the senses of my selfishness! I was terrified by the outcomes of my foolishness!. I've done wrong, For the shame of it, should I punish myself? Or should I keep it quite till I break habit itself? I'm ready! To pay the full price, To keep all those promises, till the happiness rejoice! I'll make sure, Never to repeat it again! I just want my commitment to regain!

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