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Showing posts from March, 2018


A sweet 9 letter word, chocolate. This article isn't about how to make it or how to eat it or which brand should we eat? No! It's about the feeling, when you eat them. Especially when that chocolate is a gift from that someone who means a lot to you, is a privilege. They say the sweetness of person makes an impression on it. But the question irritates me, how can a bitter thing can change to sweeter just because someone gifted you that thing? No! It's not about its taste, it's about the love that you share with your that special someone. People may say that this is crazy, but no, having a chocolate and saying that is more sweet isn't crazy. It's a fantastic feeling. It is feeling of love, joy, happiness. When these feelings are reflecting from your face, your that special someone also glitter with a war winning smile. At the End, it's not about being happy, it's all about making them (someone special) happy.

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