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Showing posts from April, 2020

Experiences #1

Writing has always been my dream! But above it one thing I used to tell myself from my childhood that, I'm in this world to do something revolutionary! And to my luck, I'm born with such genes! It's difficult to interpret your thoughts into words so that others can feel them just by reading them! So I just thought why don't I just share my thoughts with you guys! Suppose you go on a social media page, read a post/quote and think that whoa the incident happened with me as well! I could have written it too! It's damn easy! Well, wait!! Yes, it happens with everyone that's why you are able to relate it but it's not easy! That writer, need to put his heart out and think about the subject which he wants to share. Then he needs to convert them into simple words and sentences so that you can really understand it and feel it! But, it's not that difficult as well.  You might have often heard, 'listen before you speak'. Let me modify that for you, 'Re

Summer Days

The days you remember? Those summer days? Bright and shiny, free and funny? Those beautiful days! Plans to play, remember those? Ice cream, kulfi and mangoes very juicy? Those summer days! Meeting cousins, house full happiness! Nobody scolds for our laziness! Fan on full speed and beloved sugarcanes, Do you recall the days? Hot sweaty afternoons,  Then cool water splashes,  Well, river, swimming pools, full in similar ways,  Summer days?  Lost in time,  Forgotten with smile!  Those beautiful summer days!  Summer Days!

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